Sponsored Memberships 💸

Our pledge to make Kampong Social Club as inclusive as possible.

Sponsored memberships: affordable access to the Kampong Social Club

Are you interested in becoming a member of the Kampong Social Club, but unsure if you can afford the membership fees? The Kampong Social Club offers a sponsored membership program that makes it possible for individuals and families to access the benefits of membership, even if they are unable to pay for it themselves.

Through the sponsored membership program, members of the community who are able to contribute financially can sponsor the membership of others who may not be able to do so themselves. Sponsored memberships are anonymous, and both the sponsors and the recipients are not required to disclose their financial situation or the reason for their sponsorship. This ensures that everyone has the opportunity to be a part of the Kampong Social Club community, regardless of their ability to pay for membership.

With a sponsored membership, you will have access to all of the same benefits as regular members, including access to exclusive events and activities, and the opportunity to connect with others in your community. The sponsored membership program is available to individuals and families who can't affort membership this year, and is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you're interested in applying for a sponsored membership, or if you would like to sponsor the membership of another member, contact Julian, Lavanya or Zee. The Kampong Social Club is committed to fostering a sense of community and connection among its members, and the sponsored membership program is one way that we are working to make our benefits accessible to all. Sponsorship is completely anonymous, and both the sponsors and the recipients are not required to disclose their financial situation or the reason for their sponsorship.