Frequently asked questionsâť“

These frequently asked questions (F.A.Q.) are intended to provide concise and easy-to-understand answers to any questions you might have, whether you knew you had them or not.

Does Kampong Social Club membership cost money?

Right now we're in a beta phase, so we're not charging any fees. This is subject to change in the future though.

By charging a small fee for membership or access to our services, we are able to cover the costs associated with running the Kampong Social Club and providing a welcoming space for our members. These costs include things like maintenance of this website, and workshop venues, among others. We do our best to keep our fees reasonable and affordable, but ultimately they are necessary in order to keep the club running smoothly.

A second and maybe more important reason for charging a fee is to ensure that our members are invested in the club. You don't buy a membership; we buy your commitment.

Who is welcome at the Kampong Social Club?

Everyone is welcome at the Kampong Social Club, regardless of their race, gender, or any other personal characteristic. We are committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all of our members and guests.

In order to ensure that everyone is able to enjoy their time at the club in a safe and respectful manner, we ask that all members and guests adhere to our code of conduct. This code outlines our expectations for behavior and provides guidance on how to treat others with respect and kindness. By following our code of conduct, everyone can help to create a positive and enjoyable atmosphere at the Kampong Social Club.

Is the Kampong Social Club Singaporean?

The Kampong Social Club has its roots in Singapore, but we are a global community. While we are based in Singapore and many of our members and events are located there, we also have members and hold events in other parts of the world. We believe that the spirit of community and connection is not limited by geography, and we are committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all of our members, regardless of where they are located. In fact, we have a number of remote events that are designed to bring our global community together, regardless of location. So while we may have started in Singapore, we consider ourselves to be a global community that is at home in the world.

Is there a minimum income requirement to join Kampong Social Club?

No, there is no minimum income requirement to join the Kampong Social Club. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to be a part of our community, regardless of their financial situation. We do charge a fee for membership or access to our services, but this fee is intended to cover the costs associated with running the club and providing a welcoming space for our members, not to exclude anyone based on their income. We welcome people from all walks of life and all financial backgrounds to join the Kampong Social Club and be a part of our community.

If you feel you cannot afford the membership fee, sign up for our sponsorship program and we'll find a way to make it work.

What is the sponsorship program of Kampong Social Club?

The Kampong Social Club offers a sponsored membership program for individuals who may not be able to afford the full cost of membership. Through this program, members of the community who are able to contribute financially can sponsor the membership of others who may not be able to do so themselves. Sponsored memberships are anonymous, and recipients are not required to disclose their financial situation or the reason for their sponsorship. This program is intended to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to be a part of the Kampong Social Club community, regardless of their ability to pay for membership.

For details, check out our sponsorship program page.

Why should I join Kampong Social Club?

There are many reasons why you should consider joining the Kampong Social Club. For starters, it's an awesome community with a wide range of activities, events, and opportunities for socializing, learning, and personal growth. Our members come from diverse backgrounds and have a wide range of interests, so there's always something interesting and exciting happening at the club. In addition, the Kampong Social Club is a great place to make new friends, develop new skills, and connect with like-minded people. So if you're looking for a fun and supportive community to be a part of, we encourage you to check out the Kampong Social Club and see what we have to offer.

How can I contribute to Kampong Social Club?

There are many ways that you can contribute to the Kampong Social Club and help to make it an even better community. One way is to organize workshops or events for the club. This could be anything from a skill-building workshop or masterclass to a social event or outing. Another way to contribute is to help us plan workations, which are extended trips or retreats where members can work, learn, and socialize together. If you have an idea for a workshop, event, or workation, we encourage you to contact a member of the Kampong Social Club's organizational team to discuss it further. Your contributions and ideas are always welcome!

Who founded the Kampong Social Club?

The Kampong Social Club was founded 2023 by Julian.