About the Kampong Social Club 👋

An overview over what this is, who we want to be and how you can be part of it.

About the Kampong Social Club

A community for people like you and us: People who are somehow extraordinary. People who don’t just live their regular nine-to-five. People who strive for something more, something exciting.

What exactly is the Kampong Social Club?

Kampong Social Club is intended to bring together people and connect ideas. We want to extend our own social circle and that of our members. We want to be exclusive and inclusive at the same time: Exclusive in the sense that we don’t want this to be just another party circle or expat club without a mission. Inclusive in the sense that we welcome everyone who has an interesting life – or who wants to start one.

We chose the word Kampong because it refers to a sense of community and solidarity, where people offer support for each other – that’s exactly what we’re cultivating here.

Kampong Social Club is a place where you can meet like-minded people, where you can find inspiration, where you can share your ideas and where you can find a new home.

Kampong Social Club is a place where you can be yourself.

Kampong Social Club is born in Singapore but living in the world.

Some things to look forward to at Kampong Social Club:

If you got any suggestions or you're open to hosting, let us know!

Check out the F.A.Q. we started compiling for you or